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Total number of e-Journals: 477

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Academic Radiology [1076-6332]
您可在此獲得全文 Elsevier ClinicalKey Journals
Available from 2007
您可在此獲得全文 Elsevier ScienceDirect Journals Complete
Available from 1995/09 卷: 2
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Chemistry: General and Others
Chemistry: Radiation Chemistry
Health Sciences: Clinical Medicine
Health Sciences: Diagnostics
Health Sciences: General and Others
Health Sciences: Radiology
Accounts of Chemical Research [0001-4842]
您可在此獲得全文 American Chemical Society Journals
Available from 1968/01/01 卷: 1 期: 1
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Chemistry: General and Others
The ACES bulletin [0360-5930]
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Chemistry: General and Others
Social Sciences: Developmental Issues & Socioeconomic Studies
Business, Economy and Management: Economics
Continued by: Comparative Economic Studies [0888-7233]
Acs Catalysis [2155-5435]
您可在此獲得全文 American Chemical Society Journals
Available from 2011/01/07 卷: 1 期: 1
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Chemistry: General and Others
Acs Chemical Biology [1554-8929]
您可在此獲得全文 American Chemical Society Journals
Available from 2006/02/01 卷: 1 期: 1  截止日期(包含) 2014/12/19 卷: 9 期: 12
Available in 2015/01/16 卷: 10 期: 1
Available from 2015/02/20 卷: 10 期: 2
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Chemistry: Biochemistry
Life Sciences: Biochemistry
Chemistry: General and Others
ACS Chemical health & safety [1074-9098]
您可在此獲得全文 American Chemical Society Journals
Available from 1999/01/01 卷: 6 期: 1  截止日期(包含) 2005/11/30 卷: 12 期: 6
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Chemistry: General and Others
Environmental Sciences: Hazardous Substance Handling, Management & Disposal
Health Sciences: Clinical Medicine
Continued by: ACS Chemical Health & Safety [1871-5532]
ACS Chemical Health & Safety [1871-5532]
  期刊資訊 SFX
Chemistry: General and Others
Health Sciences: Clinical Medicine
Continues: ACS Chemical health & safety [1074-9098]
ACS Combinatorial Science [2156-8952]
您可在此獲得全文 American Chemical Society Journals
Available from 2011/01 卷: 13 期: 1  截止日期(包含) 2020/12/14 卷: 22 期: 12
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Chemistry: General and Others
Continues: Journal of combinatorial chemistry [1520-4766]
Acs Macro Letters [2161-1653]
您可在此獲得全文 American Chemical Society Journals
Available from 2012/01/17 卷: 1 期: 1
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Chemistry: General and Others
Continues in part: Macromolecules [0024-9297]
Acta Biochimica Polonica [0001-527X]
您可在此獲得全文 DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2003
您可在此獲得全文 PubMed Central
Available from 2024 卷: 71
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Chemistry: Biochemistry
Chemistry: General and Others
Engineering: Biotechnology
Engineering: General and Others
Life Sciences: General and Others
Health Sciences: Physiology
Life Sciences: Biology
Acta Chimica Slovenica [1318-0207]
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Available from 1998  截止日期(包含) 2023
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Chemistry: General and Others
Engineering: Chemical Engineering
Engineering: General and Others
Engineering: Polymer Technology
Continues: Vestnik Slovenskega kemijskega društva [0560-3110]
Acta Crystallographica Section A [0567-7394]
  期刊資訊 SFX
Chemistry: Crystallography
Earth Sciences: Geology
Earth Sciences: Mineralogy
Chemistry: General and Others
Continued by: Acta Crystallographica Section A, Foundations of crystallography [0108-7673]
Acta Crystallographica Section A, Foundations of crystallography [0108-7673]
您可在此獲得全文 Wiley Online Library - AutoHoldings Journals
Available from 1997/01/01 卷: 53 期: 1  截止日期(包含) 2013/11/01 卷: 69 期: 6
  期刊資訊 SFX
Chemistry: Crystallography
Chemistry: General and Others
Continued by: Acta Crystallographica A-Foundation and Advances [2053-2733]
Continues: Acta Crystallographica Section A [0567-7394]
Acta Crystallographica Section B [0567-7408]
  期刊資訊 SFX
Chemistry: Applied Chemistry
Chemistry: Crystallography
Chemistry: Physical Chemistry
Earth Sciences: Mineralogy
Chemistry: General and Others
Continued by: Acta crystallographica. Section B, Structural science [0108-7681]
Acta crystallographica. Section B, Structural science [0108-7681]
您可在此獲得全文 Wiley Online Library - AutoHoldings Journals
Available from 1996/02/01 卷: 52 期: 1  截止日期(包含) 2012/12/01 卷: 68 期: 6
  期刊資訊 SFX
Chemistry: General and Others
Material Science and Metallurgy: General and Others
Material Science and Metallurgy: Metals, Minerals, Ores & Alloys
Material Science and Metallurgy: Physical Metallurgy
Continued by: Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science Crystal Engineering and Materials [2052-5192]
Continues: Acta Crystallographica Section B [0567-7408]
Acta crystallographica. Section C, Crystal structure communications [0108-2701]
您可在此獲得全文 Wiley Online Library - AutoHoldings Journals
Available from 1996/01/15 卷: 52 期: 1  截止日期(包含) 2013/12/15 卷: 69 期: 12
  期刊資訊 SFX
Chemistry: Chemical Engineering
Chemistry: General and Others
Continued by: Acta Crystallographica Section C-Structural Chemistry [2053-2296]
Continued in part by: Acta Crystallographica Section E [1600-5368]
Continues: Crystal structure communications [0302-1742]
Acta Crystallographica Section E [1600-5368]
您可在此獲得全文 DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2008  截止日期(包含) 2015
您可在此獲得全文 PubMed Central
Available from 2008 卷: 64  截止日期(包含) 2014 卷: 70
您可在此獲得全文 Wiley Online Library - AutoHoldings Journals
Available from 2001/01/01 卷: 57 期: 1  截止日期(包含) 2007/12/01 卷: 63 期: 12
  期刊資訊 SFX
Chemistry: Crystallography
Chemistry: Inorganic Chemistry
Chemistry: Organic Chemistry
Chemistry: General and Others
Continued by: Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications [2056-9890]
Continues in part: Acta crystallographica. Section C, Crystal structure communications [0108-2701]
Acta Crystallographica Section F [1744-3091]
您可在此獲得全文 PubMed Central
Available from 2005 卷: 61  截止日期(包含) 2013 卷: 69
您可在此獲得全文 Wiley Online Library - AutoHoldings Journals
Available from 2005/01/01 卷: 61 期: 1  截止日期(包含) 2013/12/01 卷: 69 期: 12
  期刊資訊 SFX
Chemistry: Crystallography
Chemistry: General and Others
Continued by: Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology Communications [2053-230X]
Adsorption Science & Technology [0263-6174]
您可在此獲得全文 DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2017
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Chemistry: Polymers and Plastics
Chemistry: General and Others
Advanced Composites Letters [0963-6935]
您可在此獲得全文 DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2019  截止日期(包含) 2020
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Chemistry: General and Others
Engineering: General and Others
Material Science and Metallurgy: Composites
Material Science and Metallurgy: General and Others
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